Its a Keeper! – Steamed Fish in Lemon and Herbs

I didn’t used to eat fish at all so I’m always looking for interesting fish recipes since my skills in seafood aren’t honed.  I found this recipe in the Hungry for Change cookbook.  I was quite impressed with the finished product and Rob dubbed it a “keeper” which means he really enjoyed it 🙂

IMG_18072 7-ounce fillets of thick, firm, white, non-oily fish (I used halibut)

6 green onions, roots and dark green ends removed, sliced into 1-inch lengths

4 lemon slices

2 tablespoons coconut oil

2 teaspoons fish sauce

Pinch of sea salt per fillet

Handful of fresh cilantro, finely chopped

IMG_1808Preheat the oven to 230 degrees.

Cut a piece of parchment paper roughly 20 inches long.  Place one fish fillet in the center and top it with green onions, lemon slices, coconut oil, fish sauce, and salt.  Bring the long ends of the paper together and fold down securely several times, then twist the ends tightly and fold under the fish.  You should have a tightly wrapped packet of fish. Repeat with your second fillet.  Bake for 45 minutes or until just cooked.  The fish should flake easily, by this point.  Open the packet and serve immediately, with all of its cooking juices.

IMG_1809This is basically slow cooking a piece of fish in your oven.  It’s really tasty and easy too!  Happy cooking!